Monday, July 18, 2016

work work work and some work

Still pushing through balancing work and projects I want to start. Right now work is winning buuut I believe this is the week I can FINALLY start. Among the many dreams I have these are the ones I want to start now. I will start streaming my adventures in gaming. Hopefully you find me amusing and if not Ill continue to do what I want cause thats whats I wants! Its been almost a whole month since my last post and that's no bueno. One of the goals that I have for blogging is to help me vent and maybe through all my chaos I could help people who have it worst than I do.

So I don' really have any recording devices so for now I will just be streaming through my XBOX ONE. I think on the days that I don't work I'll probably stream once in the morning for about an hour and once in the evening for another hour or so. And on the days that I actually do work I will stream in the evening around 8pm Central Time.

On another note, My birthday is on 7/20, I don't know what I will be doing but what I do know is that I will be with loved ones.

That's all for today, I've already wasted most of my day watching randomness on youtube and now I have to be at work by two. Good news is that I am off tomorrow so that means first real push for streaming!

ttyl <3

Monday, June 20, 2016

Find something to love

Feeling a tad emotional. Nothing major, just wanting to talk about love. Don't worry its nothing heavy or anything.

This morning someone close to me lost someone close to them. they didn't see the lost person in a long time but still had great memories of them. Life can be tough and a lot of times it sucks. But because the universe is balanced, there are also just as many great things equal to all the crappiness that's out there. The key is to find love. Either find someone to love or find a hobby that you can do or even something as passive as reading a book or watching something. Just find happiness. You don't have to follow someone's idea of happiness just your own.

I'm no expert but what I do have is a lot of experience of dealing with the crappiness. So from that I have been searching for all the greatness that is out there. I have people I love, I have a job that can pay my bills, and I have an adventure (at times is difficult to even imagine that it could be accomplished) that I am traveling and hopefully one day I will win it over.

So when life becomes heavy and you cant bear it just try a couple things. Find a stopping point, some where some place, and just do nothing. Sit there and just breathe. Meditate, reflect, write pros and cons, or even write goals. Evaluate everything that you have and everything that you want to have and then move forward. You don't have to forgive or even forget the pain but just move forward. Put any current bad and leave it in the past. You will always have bad but as long as you keep moving forward it will always be behind you.

I'm not the best or most perfect example but this is something that I truly believe and it is something that I try my hardest to follow. Like any and all paths, you will sometimes get of course (and its allowed) but always do your best to stay the course that you set and never let anything try to scare you away.

Lastly, just know there is love out there for yourself. You just have to look for it. Just like looking for your keys or your phone, it is always in the last and most unexpected place or even right under your nose.

Welp, that was longer than I thought it would be. Hope I helped in anyway,


Monday, June 13, 2016

Getting Started

The times are finally here!..... At least for me. Today will mark the first day of my journey on this new adventure. I've always wanted to do something I love and I think I will finnaly push for that to happen. For the past few years I have concentrated on working and having certain things in my life. I achieved those goals so now I'm ready for something new and one day permanent.

I'll probably save this and post it after I get off work (just because I'm a slacker/perfectionist). I'm about to get ready for work.

Quick question, who else hates where they work???

Answer, I do! like most of you work sucks for them. Which it should because, in my opinion, work should be just a stepping stone and not a long term goal. Unless you want to become a manager which is okay also. But work should be something that makes you money until you find what you want to do the rest of your life. So that is what I will be fighting for until I get exactly what I want out of life.

On second thought I think I will just post this instead of being a chicken. With that being said, I'm off to work. Later

Monday, April 11, 2016

mini post?

life, allergies, work = adulthood but no worries after I slay those three my journey through the net will begin.

but for now time for work and my allergies stabbing my soul.

b y e

Friday, February 19, 2016

I ...

I want to inspire & I want to be inspired
I'm a student of life
An always growing, ever evolving human being. 
Who needs to learn how to be comfortable in his own skin with who he is & all his quirks

This is not a New Years resolution it is a life declaration.